South Dakota Legal Community Assistance

Virtual Wellness Coffee Breaks

Becky Porter and Mike McKnight host Wellness Coffee Breaks every two weeks on Thursdays at noon CST. The event is independent of the State Bar and anyone who joins can choose to remain anonymous. We only ask that what is discussed in the coffee break stays in the coffee break. Lawyers Assistance and Lawyers Concerned simply want to provide a confidential space and time for members and law students to gather during these chaotic times.

If you’re not receiving emails with the private zoom link, please email to be added to our list and to receive instructions on how you can participate in total anonymity if you so choose.


What is SOLACE? If you are aware of anyone within the South Dakota Legal Community (this includes lawyers, law office personnel, judges, courthouse employees, or law students) who has suffered a sudden or catastrophic loss due to an unexpected event, illness, or injury, the South Dakota SOLACE Program may be able to assist.

Please contact with the subject SOLACE if you, or someone you know, could benefit from this program. We have a nationwide network of generous South Dakota attorneys willing to get involved and help. The SOLACE program includes contributions of clothing, housing, transportation, medical community contacts, and a myriad of other possible solutions through the thousands of contacts available through the State Bar of South Dakota and its membership.

Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers

Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers ("LCL") is a Confidential and Independent resource for South Dakota lawyers, law students, and their families. Do you or a Lawyer/Law Student you know have a drug or alcohol problem or are struggling with depression or anxiety? LCL volunteers are here to help, are independent of the State Bar, and your referral or visit with us is strictly confidential and privileged (as set out in the Appendix to SDCL Ch. 16-19, Rule 8.3 (c), (d)). Call Becky Porter for referral to the correct volunteer at (605) 391-5191. Becky is an LCL member and your communications with her are likewise confidential and privileged.

Mental Health Centers

Our state bar has an agreement with the eleven mental health centers across the state of South Dakota. If you think you need help with a mental health, substance or addiction issue, the State Bar encourages you to seek a professional evaluation. If you don't have insurance or otherwise lack the financial resources, this CONFIDENTIAL State Bar project, funded by ALPS and the SD Bar Foundation, will cover the evaluation cost and several follow-up counseling sessions if they are needed.

The only requirement from you is to schedule your appointment with the mental health center of your choosing and show your active State Bar membership card. This is a confidential project. Counseling records are not made available to the State Bar. The State Bar of South Dakota receives the bill for those who can't afford it, up to a limit of $500 per lawyer. The mental health center sending the billing removes all identifying information from the invoice prior to mailing in order to maintain your confidentiality.

A listing of the South Dakota Mental Health Centers can be located here: South Dakota Council of Mental Health Centers

ALLONE Health Member Assistance

Members of the South Dakota legal community and their families have access to the ALLONE Health Member Assistance Program portal. Because we believe in the importance of providing support when YOU need it, our state bar has contracted with ALLONE Health to provide FREE, confidential assessment, short-term counseling, referral, and follow-up for you and your eligible family members. A licensed counselor will assist you in assessing your situation, finding options, making choices, and locating further help.

For more information, please visit the ALLONE Health Member Assistance Website. Getting Started Is Easy 1. click on “Sign Up” below the login form 2. To create an account and sign in, enter your email address and company code: sdhelp 3. For login assistance, select "Email Support”

* You can always call to access services, without needing to create an account or log in to the portal. Call 888-243-5744.

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