Call 1-888-243-5744. SandCreek is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A trained professional will speak with you about crisis services and/or problem assessment, action planning and follow up.
Call LAWYERS CONCERNED FOR LAWYERS - Rebecca Porter 605-391-5191. Becky can put you in contact with an LCL volunteer to talk to if you are experiencing addiction, substance use disorder or mental health issues.
Mental Health Centers
Our state bar has an agreement with the eleven mental health centers across the state of South Dakota. If you think you need help with a mental health, substance or addiction issue, the State Bar encourages you to seek a professional evaluation. If you don't have insurance or otherwise lack the financial resources, this State Bar project, funded by ALPS and the SD Bar Foundation, will cover the evaluation cost and several follow-up counseling sessions if they are needed.
The only requirement from you is to schedule your appointment with the mental health center of your choosing and show your active State Bar membership card. This is a confidential project. Counseling records are not made available to the State Bar. We just pay the bill for those who can't afford it, up to a limit of $500 per lawyer.
A listing of the South Dakota Mental Health Centers can be located here:
The following resources are provided by ABA Commission on Lawyers Assistance Programs – to find your lawyers assistance program, go to: https://www.americanbar.org/groups/lawyer_assistance/resources/lap_programs_by_state/
To get free confidential, 24/7 support for anxiety, text “HOME” to the Crisis Text Line which is 741741;
8 strategies to set up remote work during the coronavirus outbreak, Fast Company.
Working from Home, LawCare.
The National Law Journal has provided tips and best practices for running your law firm remotely during COVID-19 (and possibly beyond).
Free, confidential 24/7 support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for oneself and others Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK
Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine and Isolation During an Infectious Disease Outbreak, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Also available in Spanish.
Bored at Home? Here's a Massive List of Museums, Zoos, and Theme Parks Offering Virtual Tours - Good Housekeeping
Managing Anxiety and Stress during the Covid-19 outbreak, CDC
Staying Mentally Healthy During COVID-19, The Campaign to Change Direction
Protecting Your Mental Health During the Coronavirus Outbreak, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Online and telephone support groups for individuals with mental illness, NAMI
How do you keep down your stress levels at the office? Tips on managing stress levels from the ABA.
Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Also available in Spanish.
Author Brian Cuban’s blog “The Addicted Lawyer” offers guidance and options for recovery meetings.
Importance of seeking help for mental health and substance use disorders, Fear Not: Speaking Out to End Stigma (three minute video)
Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers and the Lawyers Assistance Committee do not endorse or make representations with respect to the services, products, articles or resources listed on this website. This website is a service to our members and the public. We make no warranty or guarantee concerning content accuracy on other sites to which we link.